We can help You reach Your
Sustainability, Energy and Carbon goals
LEED certification services
LEED certification including overall services for project management, engineering, commissioning, LCA, energy modeling, documentation and revision for the following:
New Construction & Major Renovation
Commercial Interiors
Operation & Maintenance for Existing Buildings
New & Existing Interiors
Warehouses & Distribution Centers
WELL certification services
WELL certification including overall services for project management, thermal comfort modeling, documentation and revision for the following:
New Construction & Major Renovation
Commercial Interiors
Consultancy for occupant comfort
Clean water
Visual comfort
Energy certificate for buildings
Issuing authorized energy cerificates for all building types and dwelling units according to the Hungarian energy efficiency regulation.
9/2023. (V. 25.) ÉKM rendelet
176/2008 (VI.30) Kormányrendelet
Calculation of non-renewable and renewable energy consuption of builinngs
Assessment of Energy Class and Carbon Emission class
Energy modeling and dynamic simulation
Energy performance modeling of buildings using licenced and accredited dynamic energy simulation software platform including the following:
Thermal & heat transfer modeling
Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning System modelling
Operational energy modeling & simulation
Building energy performance optimization
Occupant thermal comfort modeling
Visual comfort modeling
SMART buildings
SMART city & community
LEED & BREEAM energy modeling
Energy performance modeling of buildings using licenced and accredited dynamic energy simulation software platform including the following:
LEED - Whole building energy simulation according to Energy & Atmosphere credit category
LEED - ASHRAE Standard 90.1 and 62.1 energy modeling
LEED - Daylight modeling
LEED - Thermal comfort modeling
BREEAM - ENE01 Prediction of operational energy consumption
BREEAM - ENE04 Passive design analysis
BREEAM - ENE04 Low and zero carbon technologies
BREEAM - HEA04 Thermal modeling & Adaptability for a projected climate change scenario
Operational energy analysis and carbon footprint
Life-cycle and climate change operational energy performance and carbon emission assessment including:
LCA analysis of the building
Operational energy and carbon emission
Future climate scenario modeling and simulation
Feasibility study for zero energy & zero emission buildings over a lifetime
More than 10 years of experience with reliable partners is the key for satisfied clients